Marjy Rogers
Friend Of The Cast
Fiesta Twin
Ken Cinema



My Name Now: Marjy La Costa

San Diego, CA

Marital Status: happily engaged in the state of marital bliss

Children: so far, just a cat!

Have you or would you let your kids see Rocky: the jury's still out... I don't suppose it's one of those things parents have an active choice in... mine didn't!

What I'm doing these days: Currently, most of my time is spent in retail Hell. On a part-time basis, I'm a licensed Massage Therapist, with hopes of rounding out my training and getting my HHP. We do the Faire thing as time permits, but must confess that I've become generally boring in my old age.

People from Rocky I've kept in touch with: The only person I've really made an effort at staying in touch with (and I'm afraid I'm rather lax in that arena) is Sarah Konshak

Why I first went to Rocky: My High-School best friend Karna took me to my first show at the Fiesta. After that, I was hooked and went at every opportunity.

Food I ordered after the show: Coffee

Before the reunion, I last saw Rocky: Ages ago, every once in awhile, I catch it on TV, at which time I amuse the Hell out of my husband!

Did I buy the Rocky DVD? nope, still in the dark ages as far as media playback goes

My favorite Rocky memories: I'm going to keep that one to myself

Best wishes to everyone. There were times when there was a lot of drama, and I hope we've all grown up enough to be past that.

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