Angel Jervis
Magenta & Columbia
Ken Cinema



Location: Raleigh, NC

Marital Status: single

Children: no

Have you or would you let your kids see Rocky: of course I would

What I'm doing these days: I manage an Adam & Eve retail shop. I suppose the couple of years I spent in Rocky did rub off. I am also in school and looking forward to going into forensics.

People from Rocky I've kept in touch with: nobody

Why I first went to Rocky: a friend from high school brought me

How I started performing: I met Tracey Neilsen outside before a show one night and we became friends. She got me into cast.

Food I ordered after the show: french fries with ranch dressing

I last performed: in 1993

Before the reunion, I last saw Rocky: in 1998. I came to San Diego for the Comic Con and saw Rocky at The La Paloma

Did I buy the Rocky DVD? no I haven't. I still do not have a DVD player.

My favorite Rocky memories: the drive-by fishing! Seriously, there is no way to chose just one. I had a blast at Rocky.

I have always said I didn't want to go to my high school reunion, but if they had I Rocky reunion I would be there. I came of age at Rocky.

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